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Request for Proposal for Legal Services

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A. Purpose. This request for proposal (RFP) is to contract for legal services to be provided to the Comanche Nation Gaming Commission (CNGC) for a period of one year with an option to renew for three additional years.

B. Who May Respond. Attorneys/law firms must currently be licensed to practice law in Oklahoma and readily available to represent the CNGC in court.

C. Preference. This RFP is being advertised as an open procurement with Indian Preference.

Those firms claiming Indian preference must furnish proof of enrollment with a federally recognized tribe and controlling ownership of the business.

D. Proposal Submittal. Sealed proposals must be received by CNGC no later than 4:30 pm on April 7, 2025. Proposals


All proposals shall include an original and two (2) copies in the format described below at the following address and please follow up with an electronic submittal by email:

Comanche Nation Gaming Commission

Attention: Interim Executive Director

1915 E. Gore Blvd.

Lawton, OK 73501


E. Description of Entity. The Comanche Nation Gaming Commission (CNGC) was established by the Comanche Business Committee (CBC) to perform regulatory oversight and monitor compliance with applicable gaming laws and regulations in accordance with the authority provided in the Comanche Nation Gaming Ordinance of 2024. CNGC has a three member Board of Commissioners that meets monthly. Administrative Offices are located in Lawton, OK.


A. The offeror shall be readily available to perform the following legal services, as requested by the

Executive Director and/or Board of Commissioners:

  1. Review, draft, and negotiate contracts and leases for CNGC and prior to CNGC approving the casino operations contracts and leases
  2. Advise on individual labor and employment matters
  3. Review gaming resolutions, ordinances, regulations, by-laws and personnel policies
  4. Advise on responses to subpoenas, court orders, and requests for information from third parties
  5. Defend lawsuits, administrative claims, or other legal claims
  6. Conduct litigation as necessary
  7. Attend meetings of CNGC, upon request
  8. Conduct research and analysis on specific legal questions upon request
  9. Other legal services as needed

The selected law firm and/or individuals shall work under the direction of the CNGC Commissioners and Executive Director. Any directives from the CNGC Commissioners shall supersede all other directions. Although it is preferable for an attorney or firm to submit a proposal covering all of the above areas, CNGC will consider proposals for subsets of these areas.

B. Estimated Workload and Support Services

  1. CNGC does not guarantee a set workload or billable hours.
  2. Offeror shall provide all the administrative services and support necessary to manage the workload in order to complete all assignments. This includes office facilities, support staff, supplies, and equipment.
  3. Offeror shall be prepared to submit detailed billing statements for all services billed at an hourly rate (if any) broken down into time increments of no more than a quarter hour. Offeror shall also include summaries of work performed and time spent on services performed under a flat fee

III.PROPOSAL CONTENTS. The Offeror, shall at a minimum, include the following in the proposal;

A. Legal Experience. Describe the firm’s legal experience, including the names, addresses, contact persons and telephone numbers of at least three clients, preferably including clients similar to CNGC. Experience should include the following categories:

  1. 1.Experience advising tribally designated gaming or gaming commissions.
  2. 2.Experience advising clients conducting similar programs.

B. Organization, Size, Structure, and Areas of Practice. If the Offeror is a firm, describe its organization, size structure, areas of practice and office locations(s). Indicate, if appropriate, if the firm is a small or Indian owned business.

C. Attorney Qualifications. The Offeror should have experience in the following areas: labor and employment; tribal gaming; and general business operations. The Offeror should describe the qualifications of attorneys to be assigned to the representation. Descriptions should include:

  1. Professional and education background of each attorney.
  2. Overall supervision to be exercised.
  3. Prior experience of the individual attorneys with respect to the required experience listed above. Only include resumes of attorneys likely to be assigned to the representation. Education, position in firm, years and types of experience, bar number(s), and continuing professional education will be considered. 
  4. All licensures held to practice law.

D. Price. The offeror’s proposed price should include a retainer fee for twelve (12) months duration and/or information on the hourly billing rates of each attorney or other legal staff who is expected to work on this representation and charges for expenses, if any, such as legal research, copies and faxes, mileage, filing fees, etc.

E. Insurance. Provide a statement that the firm will maintain comprehensive liability, professional liability and workers’ compensation insurance on all staff assigned to work for CNGC.

F. Conflict of Interest. Provide a completed CNGC Disclosure Form.

IV. EVALUATION CRITERIA. Proposals will be rated using a point system that is applied to the information provided by the offeror that addresses the needs of CNGC. Proposals will be reviewed in accordance with the following criteria:

Past working experience with Tribal Gaming Commissions

Knowledge & working experience within Gaming Industry

Fee structure

Qualifications of Legal Team

Indian Preference

Quality of Proposal

Comanche Nation Gaming Commission

1915 E. Gore Blvd

Lawton, OK 73501

Regulatory Agency

Comanche Nation Gaming Commission

About Comanche Nation Gaming Commission

The Comanche Nation Gaming Commission currently oversees gaming activity in seven (7) gaming facilities. Gaming facilities are located in Lawton, Devol, Walters, Richard Spur, and Cache, Oklahoma.

The Comanche Nation Gaming Commission was established by the Comanche Nation in December 2005 in order to provide for the sound regulation of all gaming activities on lands within the jurisdiction of the Comanche Nation, in order to protect the public interest in the integrity of such gaming activities, to prevent improper or unlawful conduct in the course of such gaming activities, to strengthen tribal self-government and to promote economic self-sufficiency of the Comanche Nation.

Its primary functions include ensuring the Comanche Nation's gaming operations' compliance with federal and tribal law, including internal control standards, conducting background investigations and approving/denying gaming licenses for individuals and vendors, and ensuring only approved games are offered to the public.  In short, the Comanche Nation Gaming Commission serves to protect the Nation's assets and ensure honesty and integrity of the gaming operations conducted by the Nation.